Last week I have tested the RTL2832U-based ezcap EzTV666 DVB-T dongle on the air using various VHF signal.
IC-765 Tuner Problems
When I was testing my newly acquired IC-765 last Christmas, I had some troubles with the built-in antenna tuner. From time to time, it would start re-tuning the antenna in the beginnig or even the middle of my transmissions.
Elecraft T1 Automatic Antenna Tuner
The Elecraft T1 is a stand-alone, miniature antenna tuner unit specially designed for use with low-power HF/6m transceivers. Despite its small size, it uses a built in 9V battery, provides a wide matching range and can handle powers up to 20 watts SSB/CW or 10 watts in FM/AM/digi. It is a very cool general-purpose ATU for mobile and portable use. The T1 is available either ready built or as a kit.