It has been a few weeks since my last update about the IC-706 remote rig project so here is a new one.
DIY remote kit for the IC-706 part 5: Power on / off sequences
In my previous post I described how I solved the power connections for the radio and the front panel when they are physically separated from each other. In this post I will explain the software part of the power on / off procedure.
DIY remote kit for the IC-706 part 3: Keep-alive emulation
Yesterday I have implemented emulation of keep-alive messages on server side. This means that the keep-alive messages sent by the front panel roughly every 100 ms are no longer sent over the network; instead, they are generated in the servers main loop with 150 ms interval.
DIY remote kit for the IC-706 part 2: A closer look at the protocol
In my first post about the IC-706 remote kit I wrote that we don’t really need to care about what data protocol is used between the radio and the front panel; all we need is to route the data between a serial port and a network socket. However, it turns out that taking a closer look at the protocol is not only a good idea but also necessary for efficient remote control.
GB0MPA commemorating the ship RMS Carpathia
I caught the special event station GB0MPA on the air yesterday. GB0MPA commemorates the ship RMS Carpathia (callsign: MPA) which saved 705 people from the Titanic in April 1912. GB0MPA is active for 28 days starting on Apr 4. On this video GB0MPA has contact with two stations from Romania – one of them west … Read more
PBT Mod for the IC-765
As you may already know, the IC-765 has IF-shift but no passband tuning. There is, however, a simple mod originally designed by Gerd Henjes, W2ISB, which allows the IF-shift button to tune the passband while the IF-shit button is in OFF position. This mod is described in the VE3HUR IC-765 notes and reproduced here with some illustrative pictures, as well as a video demonstrating the difference between PBT and IF-shift
IC-765 Overview
The IC-765 has been ICOM’s flagship HF-radio for many years. Even today (2006) it represents excellent value for money as it has one of the best receivers ever made. The IC-765 has 4 IF stages (69MHz, 9MHz, 455kHz, 9MHz), built-in power supply (PS-35) and automatic antenna tuner (AT-150), and it comes with 500Hz CW filters (mounted from the factory. Optional 250Hz CW filters (FL101 and FL53A) are available, too, as is the optional FL102 6kHz AM filter.