I have previously built native windows versions of grig using the DevCpp environment. The result was a limited success since the resulting application only worked with the dummy backend.
Gpredict 0.7.0
Tonight, I have released Gpredict 0.7.0 containing the automatic TLE update feature, satellite ground tracks, and improved single pass prediction doalogue.
Networking Library for Gpredict
I have spent quite some time lately in trying to figure out how I should implement the automatic TLE update in Gpredict. The idea is that Gpredict should be able to fetch fresh TLE data from the internet, via HTTP or FTP, and update the contents of the local file.
Gpredict 0.6.1 in Debian/testing
Phew… it seems that the new gpredict has finally made it into the debian/testing repository. Now I don’t have to worry anymore about a new debian coming out with the old gpredict Thanks to Hamish for packaging.
Gpredict for Windows
I guess it had to come sooner or later: A native build of gpredict for Windows XP is now available for download. And the worst part of it all is that I have built it myself. Why do I bother, I keep asking myself…
Gpredict 0.6 for Mac OS X
Got a cool email few days ago telling me that gpredict 0.6 is available for Mac OS X. Both building instructions as well as ready made packages are available here from the Huntsville Mac User Group. Thanks to Marius Schamschula for doing the good work!
Gpredict 0.6 finally out!
Well, it seems that I have finally managed to release the first official version of Gpredict that uses Gtk+ 2. It was about time since the old Gtk+/Gnome 1 version was getting impossible to maintain, and it was included in both Debian and FreeBSD.
Gpredict Progress Report
It is now more than two months ago that I have released the last development snapshot of gpredict and it would be very appropriate to make status of what has been going on since. So here it comes.
Gpredict Progress
It has been quite a while ago, since I last made any progress reports on gpredict. To tell you the truth, there I took a break for a few weaks, but I have been coding like hell during the last two weeks.
Gpredict Preferences Dialog
In the mean time I have done quite a lot of design work on the preferences dialog. I think I have arrived at a rather nice modular layout, whith which I will be able to present many settings without being too overwhelming.