I was just about to panic when I first set the K1 into TUNE mode. I have hooked up the K1 to my variable power supply, set the current limiter to 1 amps (as instructed by the manual), turned the K1 on and set it into TUNE mode. The only thing that happened was that the K1 turned off and the current limitin led on my power supply was lighting up, meaning that the K1 wanted more current then it was given.
K1 Filter Realignment
I have played some more with the filter board. I decided not to worry too much about it because the trimmers will be altered again during transmitter alignment, but here are the alignment results so far:
K1 Filter Board Alignments
I have hooked up the FT-817 to a dummy load in order to perform the receiver tests on the K1. The first tests consist of aligning the trimmer capacitors on the filter board. To begin with I used the DL-1 dummy load.
OHR WM-2 Alignment
Now that my OHW WM-2 is assembled, it is time to align it. The manual has detailed step by step instructions on this as well and the alignment procedure is relatively straight forward. On the other hand, adjusting the potentiometers can be a little difficult, partly because some of them are hidden below the wires and partly because R6 has to be adjusted with a precision of 1 mV while it has a full scale of several volts. It would have been very nice with a multi-turn potentiometer instead.