Today I made some more QSOs using the K1. Here are a few examples:
At 09:05 UTC I called EA6NB, Jim, on 10.108 MHz. He returned my call with 549, but then he lost me. The band was indeed strange with a lots of QSB.
At 17:57 UTC I had my first 2xQRP QSO with the K1. It was with RA1AAW on 14.060. He was very weak and there was a lot of QSB as well as some QRM, nevertheless, we managed to finish the QSO. Right after I had QSO with DD2DP, who almost blew my AGC :))
At 18:46 UTC I had a nice QSO with GM4SLV John from the Shetland Island running K1 1672.
Then a miracle happened! At 23:56 UTC I managed to have QSO with W1MK on 20m. K1 with 5W and more than 6000km! Thanks Rob for having very big ears