Elecracft K1 Resources

This page gathers some useful reference material about the Elecraft K1.

  1.  The K1 pages at Elecraft
  2. Local copy of the K1 docs (versions applicable to my model)
    • The K1 data sheet
    • The K1 quick reference card
    • The K1 assembly manual rev F and corresponding errata sheet
    • The KFL1-2 two-band filter board assembly instructions rev H.
    • The KFL1-4 four-band filter board assembly instructions rev A and corresponding errata sheet.
    • The KAT1 automatic antenna tuner assembly manual rev C and corresponding errata sheet.
    • The KNB1 noise blanker assembly manual rev C and corresponding errata sheet.
  3. Tom N0SS has a lots of usefull stuff for the K1.
  4. K1 reviews at eHam.