About a week ago I forked Howard’s qthid002 cross platform Funcube Dongle controller application with the objective of continuing development and adding support for the full FCD API that has been available since version 18f of the firmware. This first release contains various fixes for he crashes and freezes that were known to happen, providing a stable application that can be used to change frequency and upgrade the firmware from 18b to 18f.
Changes in version 2.1:
- Various fixes and workarounds to prevent crash and freeze when switching between application and bootloader mode
- The application can now run with or without FCD (hotplug)
- Upgrade and verify firmware have been tested on Linux (32 and 64 bit) and OSX 10.6
- Updated HID API to hidapi/master from 2011-02-17
- Retrieve libusb configuration on Linux using pkg-config
- Remove local Qt Creator configuration from distribution
- Improvements to the UI layout and widgets
- Added application icon
- Applied GPL V3 license
The source code and pre-compiled binaries for Mac OS X and Linux (32 and 64 bit) are available from my Github repository:
- qthid-2.1 source package (requires Qt SDK to build)
- qthid-2.1 32 bit Linux binary (requires Qt 4.7 to be installed)
- qthid-2.1 64 bit Linux binary (requires Qt 4.7 to be installed)
- qthid-2.1 Mac OS X bundle (includes Qt 4.7)
See the README.txt included in the packages for how use and compile the source code.