Grig Hits 0.6.0!

In the meantime I went on hacking on grig. Besides fixing the bugs mentioned last week I managed to finish the save/restore rig state functions. Currently, the state can only be loaded at runtime but I intend to add the possibility of loading .rig files from the command line as well. Furthermore, I have done … Read more

Grig Bug Hunt Night

Phew… what a rush! I found and fixed bug after bug after bug after bug… the worst ones were in the rig-daemon, where the read values were overwritten by the last set values every time the specific set command was executed. This was the case for PTT, POWER and FREQ, and so the old display flicker problem has been solved, too. Cool

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hamlib/ft817.c: Power Levels

I’ve decided to look at the FT-817 backend tonight. There are some TODOs concerning the check of the TX level readings. I couldn’t do them before because I had only batteries to power the FT-817, thus tuning with 5W wasn’t really possible.

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K1 TX Signal Tracing

Yesterday I have done the transmitter signal tracing using my Velleman PCS500 pc-based oscilloscope. Here are the results: PRE (0.04-0.09) 0.025 V ATTN (0.02-0.05) 0.047 V OSC (0.01-0.04) 0.019 V MIX (0.1-0.2) 0.042 V BUF (1.5-2.0) 1.74 V TR1 (0.5-1.0) 0.66 V BPF (0.5-1.0) 0.78 V TR2 (0.5-1.0) 0.72 V TR3 (<0.01) 1.5 mV DRV … Read more

K1 Noise Blanker and Blown Final?

I finished the KNB1 noise blanker today and installed it in the K1. When finished, I connected the K1 to my ATX-1080 set to the 40 meter band. I put the OHR WM-2 wattmeter and the T1 antenna tuner in between the K1 and the antenna. First I tried to put the T1 into bypass mode, but I wasn’t quite sure whether the yellow LED meant bypass on or tuner on… Later I found out that green led means tuner on, yellow led means bypass on.

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K1 Transmitter Alignments

I was just about to panic when I first set the K1 into TUNE mode. I have hooked up the K1 to my variable power supply, set the current limiter to 1 amps (as instructed by the manual), turned the K1 on and set it into TUNE mode. The only thing that happened was that the K1 turned off and the current limitin led on my power supply was lighting up, meaning that the K1 wanted more current then it was given.

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