Indeed, you are correct. I have removed

Indeed, you are correct. I have removed the windows version and I have suspended any attempts to make new windows builds. It has taken me considerable time to succeed with a windows build and I do not even need it for myself. Heck, I want to make software for Linux! What pissed me off big … Read more

Yes, Windows support is temporarily susp

Yes, Windows support is temporarily suspended due to various reasons (ebay fraud, bad performance, etc). If you really want a copy I can send you a link by direct email but there is no tech support whatsoever at the moment. I expect to resume windows support when I release version 1.0.

Sparrow Overview

The Spatz (German Spatz) is a small monoband CW transceiver kit designed by DK1HE and distributed in kit form by the German QRP Project. Despite the small size and relative simplicity of the kit, the Spatz is a quite advanced transceiver featuring goodies like DDS with RIT/XIT, 8 pole Cohn Filter with 400Hz bandwith, AGC with high dynamic range, heavy duty PA, built-in keyer and full QSK. The kit can be bought with DDS ready built and tested and is available for the 80, 40, 30, 20 and 17 meter bands.

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About me

My name is Alexandru Csete, also known as OZ9AEC. I am a physicist from the University of Aarhus and I work as a development engineer in the antenna department at Thrane & Thrane (Cobham Satcom). Before that I was 8 years in the European space industry working on the Automated Transfer Vehicle called Jules Verne and … Read more

The vendor is not breaking GPL as such.

The vendor is not breaking GPL as such. My problem is that poeple who actually buy grig on a CD are really screwed, because they get the same binary program as they can donload from the website for free. It even takes shorter time to download grig from the website that to complete an ebay … Read more