Grig Screenshots

Below you can see some standards screenshots of Grig. You can browser the full set of grig screenshots and diagrams in my Grig picture gallery.   The Main Window The main window gives you access to the most common functions including frequency, mode, filter and AGC controls. Besides being the most common, these CAT commands … Read more

About Grig

Grig is a simple Ham Radio control (CAT) program based on the Ham Radio Control Libraries (Hamlib). It is intended to be highly generic presenting the user to the same graphical user interface regardless of which radio is being controlled. Grig supports the most commonly used CAT commands that are implemented by Hamlib, and integrates … Read more

Predict for the eeepc status

Just a quick note… I have started hacking predict to make it run on the eeepc. Tonight I manage to build the vocalizer on its own, i.e. without that silly installer that comes with predict. I have also modified it to use aplay (available on the eeepc) instead of the built-in DSP routine, which is … Read more