Video recordings from the 2nd Open Source Cubesat Workshop are now available on YouTube, thanks to Libre Space Foundation. This includes my presentation about the Copenhagen Suborbitals Nexø II rocket cameras and video transmitter, which you can see below.
Technology articles and blogs written by Alexandru Csete OZ9AEC.
Avionics in the Copenhagen Suborbitals Nexø II rocket
Peter Scott (OZ2ABA) and myself gave a presentation at the 2018 AMSAT UK colloquium about the avionics in the Copenhagen Suborbitals Nexø II rocket. This included the radios and the DVB-S2 video transmitter used on the rocket. A video recording of the presentation is now available on the AMSAT UK YouTube channel, thanks to BATC.
Nexø II debriefing: Onboard cameras & the video transmitter
Here is a video recording of my presentation of the onboard cameras and the video transmitter, given at the Copenhagen Suborbitals Nexø II debriefing event.
Nexø II rocket camera performance
In my previous post, I posted the raw footage recorded from the Nexø II onboard cameras. These videos give an excellent qualitative indication of how well the video downlink worked. I have now also processed the received telemetry data and have a more quantitative idea of the performance.
Raw footage from the Nexø II rocket cameras
In my previous post, you could watch an edited video from the Nexø II onboard cameras. I have now also made the raw footage available on my YouTube channel.
Video received from the Nexø II rocket cameras
During the last year or two, you may have heard me talk about rocketcam or rocket-cameras, teasing with pictures but without providing too many technical details. Actually, it all started with a cryptic tweet I posted on October 23, 2016:
I have a plan.
— Alexandru Csete (@csete) October 23, 2016
SSTV event from the International Space Station
In commemoration of the 20th Anniversary of ARISS, the International Space Station is transmitting Slow Scan Television on 145.800. The SSTV event started on the 20th July and will continue until the 24th.
Daily NOAA weather satellite images
Two months ago I hooked up my VHF satellite receiver to the SatNOGS network. Since then, the receiver has been receiving many different satellites, including APT images from NOAA 15, 18 and 19.
NOAA-19, Meteor-M N2 and the Thumbnet N3 SDR Nongle
Back in December 2016, Shaun Whitehead of ThumbNet sent me of their new rtlsdr-based N3 Nongles but I was too busy to do anything serious with SDR. Now that I got a 137 MHz turnstile antenna up for testing I had an obvious opportunity to try it with the weather satellites.
Meteor-M N2 LRPT downlink
Tonight I tested the turnstile antenna and Airspy on the Meteor-M N2 LRPT downlink signal. It was a good, high elevation pass and it looks like the signal is strong enough to decode the transmitted images.