Coming up in Gpredict 1.2

After fixing several major and minor bugs in Gpredict 1.1 it was time to look at what new cool features version 1.2 should include. Fortunately, there is a nice list of feature requests from users that have been accumulated over time so all I had to do was to pick one and start working on … Read more

Gpredict 1.0 beta 2 released

Finally, the Gpredict 1.0 beta 2 release has come together, featuring a completely rewritten radio controller / Doppler tuning algorithm. It became a bit more complicated than I originally anticipated, because the incoming requests for improvement of the original controller did not limit themselves to controlling the downlink and the uplink, but also called for using two different radios.

Given that there are very few full-duplex radios out there designed for satellite communications and that they are very expensive, I found this request to be very reasonable and decided to implement it. The resulting controller should be able to work using receivers, transmitters, half-duplex transceivers, and combination of those. Full-duplex has not been implemented, because I am not sure whether hamlib is able to do that properly. That will be implemented in one of the upcoming betas.

The new radio controller
The new radio control UI. See more screenshots.

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Gpredict Updates

I just realized that the last time I have blogged about my pet project, Gpredict, was back in February 2007. Back then, the big news was the Sky at a Glance function and there has in fact been a lot of evolution since then despite the big silence in the Gpredict Developer Blog. Let me try to sum up the progress from last two years as well as what you can expect to happen in the weeks to come.

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Eeeham Status

Note: This page is now obsolete since I have installed Ubuntu 9.04 desktop edition on the Eeepc. This opens the door to use all ham radio applications available for Ubuntu!

Eeeham dedicated to ham radio applications on the Asus eeepc. The idea is to have a set of Linux ham radio applications built on a host computer and packaged and configured so that they can be run off an SD or USB disk on the eeepc. User data related to the applications shall be stored on the same disk. I think this is a good approach since it will keep the eeepc system disk clean of my experiments.

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Grig Developer Info

If you consider yourself to be an advanced Linux user, or maybe even a free software developer, you will find the information on this page useful. Latest Source Code If you want to try the latest source code you should get it directly from the CVS repository. This page gives you detailed instructions on how … Read more

Grig User Support

Web Forum Gpredict has its own forum on where you can ask for support or discuss anything related to gpredict. You have to subscribe in order to post your comments and questions. Mailing lists The groundstation-user mailing list is intended for everything related the installation, use, and discussions of grig. Announcements of new releases … Read more

Grig Documents

There is a manual page which you can read by typing man grig in your terminal.  The manual page is reproduced below.   NAME grig – graphical user interface for the Ham Radio Control Libraries (hamlib)   SYNOPSIS grig [OPTION]…   DESCRIPTION Grig is a simple Ham Radio control (CAT) program based on the Ham … Read more