T1 Preliminary Tests

I have now done som basic tests of the T1. I decided to tune the MP-1 to somewhere in the 40 meter band and then try to match it with the T1 on the other bands. The initial setting of the MP1 was as follows:

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T1 Smoke Tests

I have just completed the assembly of the T1. The power on tests from the assembly manual are all all right. I must wait with the functional tests till I am back in LMX, because I have no 50 ohm calbes here.

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T1 Control Board

I have now finished the control board as well. All resistance checks passed. I can not do the LED test, because I do not have the diode tester here, it’s in LMX. In any case, I have been very careful when mounting the LEDs, so they should be all right.

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Coils for the T1

I have now finished the last two coils, L6 and L7, as well. Looking back I think it was a very good idea to make the coils in the same order as described in the assembly manual: L1 … L7. It starts with just a few turns and increases gradually up to 29 turns on L7.

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T1 Main Board

So, I have spent most of the time since saturday noon on building the T1. I have made good progress so far; I finished almost everything on the main board except the last two coils, L6 and L7.

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