Disabling the WiFi on the Gumstix Overo Fire

During the weekend I had some time to look at how to disable the combined WiFi and Bluetooth module on the Gumstix Overo Fire. The power source for the onboard video recorder consists of two 1 Ah LiPo batteries and although I did not have any measurement of the power consumption I knew this should be enough for at least one hourĀ even with WiFi and Bluetooth switched ON during the flight (the wall plug adapter is 5V 1A). Still, I wanted to try to disable the WiFi and Bluetooth module since they are not needed during the flight.

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MPX4115A Pressure Sensor with Arduino

Today I have successfully interfaced an MPX4115A pressure sensor to my Arduino board. The MPX4115A is an analog pressure sensor that outputs an analog voltage proportional with the pressure. The setup is the same as the previous one with the TMP102 temperature sensor; I just added the pressure sensor, a few decoupling capacitors and connected it to an analog input of the Arduino board.

MPX4115A pressure sensor connected to an Arduino Duemilanove.

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