KKS-1 cubesat reception with Funcube Dongle and Arrow antenna

This is the fourth satellite reception of a series recorded on Monday, February 28, 2011 using the Funcube Dongle software defined radio receiver and the Arrow II hand-held satellite antenna. The satellite is the KKS-1 cubesat an the recording was made in JO45KG during orbit 11263.

The Funcube Dongle can receive the spacecraft as soon as it comes within range and the signal becomes very strong at TCA. I do not know the transmitter power of KKS-1, in fact there seems to be very little information about it out there, but I doubt it transmits with more than a few hundred mW. Once more, excellent performance supporting the usability of the Funcube Dongle as a low cost VHF/UHF receiver for space communications.
